Month in Review – April 2024

Month in review - April

Welcome to our April 2024 Monthly Review! We’re thrilled to share our latest advancements and how we’re shaping the future of automation.

This month, we launched Hexomatic’s Text and Image Scraper automation. With this new feature, you can easily input a webpage URL and retrieve all the text in one field and all the images compiled into a zip file for convenient downloading.

But that’s not all. We also upgraded our scraping engine to enhance the success rate of your custom scraping recipes.

Additionally, we published new articles and hosted informative webinars to keep you updated and empowered.

Ready to dive in? Let’s explore all the exciting developments April brought us!

Hexomatic’s new Text and image scraper 

In April, our team launched our new automation: The Text & Image Scraper.

With this new tool, you can scrape any webpage in just seconds. Simply input the URL, and you’ll get all the text in one field and all the images in a zip file for easy downloading.

Imagine the time you’ll save and the efficiency you’ll gain. Here are some ways to use it:

  • – Content creation: Quickly gather information and visuals for your articles or posts.
  • – Competitor analysis: Extract content and metadata to study competitors.
  • – Research: Compile data from multiple pages for reports or analysis.
  • – Design inspiration: Collect images and design elements from various sites.
  • – Journalism: Gather information and images for news stories.
  • – Educational resources: Compile information and visuals for educational projects.

Big upgrade to Hexomatic’s scraping engine 

We’re excited to announce a major upgrade to Hexomatic’s web scraping engine!

After analyzing extensive usage data, we’ve improved our engine with a smarter auto-retry feature, boosting success rates by 40%. This enhancement ensures better performance for your custom scraping recipes and our automations, especially when pages are temporarily unavailable or blocked.

Hexomatic will now automatically retry using a different approach, ensuring successful scraping every time.

April’s informative webinars

In April, we hosted a series of informative webinars to help our users maximize their use of Hexomatic and integrate it with AI. For those who couldn’t attend, we’ve saved the replays. You can watch them anytime on our YouTube channel.

  • Step-by-Step Guide to Advanced Web Scraping with Hexomatic and AI Tools!– In this webinar, we show you how to use Hexomatic for efficient data extraction from websites, helping you gather valuable information for your projects or business needs. We also cover advanced techniques for processing this data using AI tools. Learn how to gain insights and streamline your workflow with these powerful methods.
  • How to Scrape Websites Tutorial–  In this webinar, we will delve into the world of web scraping and show how it can be performed easily with Hexomatic.

What’s new in the Academy

April was an exciting month for our Academy! We’ve expanded our resource library with new articles and updated tutorials to help you get the most out of our automations and scraping recipes. Here are some of the highlights: